Hey everyone! This post will be noticeably less verbose than it's predecessors, but only because I am literally scrambling to get everything ready for tomorrow!
Though a little belated, I NEED to give a shout out to J Taylor Salon, the official hair sponsor of Miss Brooklyn 2009! Joe kindly squeezed me in for a last minute cut and trim, and I was thrilled with the results! It was important for me to not change anything drastically- I wanted to look like me, but better, and he did just that! And an additional thanks to the fabulous Ellen Stein (yep- my trainer) for knowing EVERYONE in Brooklyn. (Photos to follow ASAP)
Also, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the fantastic spread the NY Post did on some NYC titleholders, myself included! We each did individual interviews/ photo shoots of us relaxing in our homes, and then we went to the NY Post's HQ for a glamorous photo shoot, complete with makeup by Smashbox and hair by Prive! The link to the article online is here.